Updated Websites and Blogs!
Permalink | Author: Dan Dart | Published: 2024-12-26 21:17:00 UTC | Tags: blogs content feed new update updated updates
Hi! It's been a while!
I've just released a major new build for all my websites and blogs. It features, amongst other things:
- Fixes for RSS feed readers
- Fixes for rendering older posts
- Separate "tag" and "post" permalink pages for each blog, in order to properly link to them.
- Nice sidebar menus.
- Better mobile layout optimisation.
- Better embeds.
- Different font (do you like it?)
- Various metadata and sitemaps to allow pages and posts to be properly indexed.
Coming soon will be:
- the ability to choose the older font if there's enough demand
- dark mode.
- any suggestions in the next period.
This will also allow me to more frequently write blog posts, so look forward to what's next!
Here is the current list of websites that have now been updated:
And blogs affected:
If you would like to use this package for your own website, I'd be happy to help. And if you notice anything wrong with it, please let me know.
Ta-ta, and happy Y'all-Tired!
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New Tech Blog
Permalink | Author: Dan Dart | Published: 2022-09-11 22:08:08 UTC | Tags: blog company new tech
Hello everyone, it's been a while. I've got a new tech blog out - it's intended for things attributable to JolHarg (e.g. release announcements, tutorials, news, assorted tech things), in order to separate my non-code/non-"official" thoughts and opinions from those of my company, for what it's worth. This isn't due to anything I plan to say, but rather so that people who would like code-only thoughts can get them. I've moved some of my older blogs from this blog to that blog, if they were better attributed, too. Please let me know if you think I've miscategorised anything. Please also remember to reset your RSS feed reader, if you use the atom feed.
Here's the JolHarg Blog, and here's the new atom feed
Also, the comments are back!
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New Review Site
Permalink | Author: Dan Dart | Published: 2020-12-04 00:01:00 UTC | Tags: new review site
Hey folks,
I've been working on making a new review site, and have a first review up now.
Here's the site and Here's the feed!
Hope you like it.
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